Lucie with Grand Daughter
Lucie with Grand Daughter
Kite Fishing
Kite Fishing
Mother and Daughter Wild Mustangs
Mother and Daughter Wild Mustangs
Little Maryn
Little Maryn
Three Gifts
Three Gifts
Blue Bells
Blue Bells
Vase with Spring Flowers
Vase with Spring Flowers
Summer Whale
Summer Whale
Bird with Watermelon
Bird with Watermelon
Dog House
Dog House
Green Leaf
Green Leaf
Blue Buds
Blue Buds
Fan Flower
Fan Flower
Group of Vases
Group of Vases
Five Fishes
Five Fishes
Horse Vase
Horse Vase
Single Bird Vase
Single Bird Vase
Road to Home
Road to Home
Mother and Daughter with Flowers
Mother and Daughter with Flowers
Cat in a Vase
Cat in a Vase
Simple Truth
Simple Truth
Group of Stuff
Group of Stuff
Food for the Soul
Food for the Soul
Making Friends Along the Way
Making Friends Along the Way
Horse and Friend
Horse and Friend
Three Leaves
Three Leaves
Bird Vase
Bird Vase
Red Bud
Red Bud
Pink Flowers
Pink Flowers
Six vases and Birds
Six vases and Birds
Family at the Beach
Family at the Beach
Red Handle Vase
Red Handle Vase
Streets of Gold
Streets of Gold
Bird Song
Bird Song
Grace Today
Grace Today
Stand Firm
Stand Firm
Costal Village
Costal Village
Redeeming Love
Redeeming Love
Late Afternoon Meeting
Late Afternoon Meeting
Narrow Gate
Narrow Gate
Yellow Field
Yellow Field
Lucielea Bay
Lucielea Bay
Afternoon Travelers
Afternoon Travelers
Villa De Franklin
Villa De Franklin
Blue Tree
Blue Tree
5 Clouds
5 Clouds
back country.jpg
Blue Skies
Blue Skies
Stay Grateful
Stay Grateful
Three Things
Three Things
Conversation About Love
Conversation About Love
The Race
The Race
Saved a Bird Today
Saved a Bird Today
My Back Yard
My Back Yard
Big Horse
Big Horse
Flowers on table
Flowers on table
Couple of Elephants
Couple of Elephants
Talk of the Town
Talk of the Town
House and Tables
House and Tables
Spring in the Room   SOLD
Spring in the Room SOLD
New Growth
New Growth
One Flight Away
One Flight Away
Picnic Time
Picnic Time
The Perch
The Perch
Large bird on Swing
Large bird on Swing
Red Horse in Montana
Red Horse in Montana
Tea Pot
Tea Pot
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Spring Tree
Spring Tree
Blue Cove Village
Blue Cove Village
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts of the Spirit
Elephant and Bird
Elephant and Bird
Lucie with Grand Daughter
Lucie with Grand DaughterAcrylic and oil pastel on canvas 24” x 36”
RiderMixed media on canvas 24” x 30”
BirdsongMixed media, acrylic and oil pastel on 30” x 40” canvas
Kite Fishing
Kite FishingMixed media on canvas11” x 14”
Mother and Daughter Wild Mustangs
Mother and Daughter Wild MustangsMixed media on canvas, acrylic, paper and oil pastel.
Little Maryn
Little MarynAcrylic, paper and oil pastel | 36” x 36” on gallery wrapped canvas (1.5 “ deep) | SOLD
Three Gifts
Three GiftsMixed media on canvas 36" x 48"
Blue Bells
Blue Bells Mixed media on canvas 36" x 36"Acrylic paint and paper
Vase with Spring Flowers
Vase with Spring FlowersMixed media on canvas 36” x 48”
Summer Whale
Summer Whalemixed media on canvas 16” x 20” SOLD
Bird with Watermelon
Bird with WatermelonAcrylic, paper and oil pastel on canvas | 30” x 30”
Dog House
Dog HouseAcrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas | 36” x 36”
MarriageMixed media on canvas 36" x 48"
Green Leaf
Green LeafMixed media on canvasAcrylic and paper
Blue Buds
Blue BudsMixed media on canvas 36" x 36"
Fan Flower
Fan FlowerMixed media on canvas 24" x 24" acrylic, oil pastel and paper.
Daisy'smixed media on canvas 10" x 20"
Temptationmixed media on canvas 36” x 36”
Group of Vases
Group of VasesMixed media on canvas 24” x 24”
Five Fishes
Five FishesMixed media on wood, acrylic paint, paper and oil pastel.
Horse Vase
Horse Vasemixed media on canvas 15” x 30”
Single Bird Vase
Single Bird VaseMixed media on canvas 16” x 20”
Road to Home
Road to HomeMixed media on canvas 16” x 16”
Mother and Daughter with Flowers
Mother and Daughter with FlowersAcrylic and oil pastel on canvas | 24’ x 36”
Cat in a Vase
Cat in a VaseAcrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas | 30” x 40” | SOLD
Simple Truth
Simple TruthMixed media on canvas | 30” x 24” | SOLD
Group of Stuff
Group of StuffMixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Food for the Soul
Food for the SoulMixed media on canvas | 36” x 36”
FeastAcrylic, paper and oil pastel on canvas | 24” x 24”
Making Friends Along the Way
Making Friends Along the Way Mixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Horse and Friend
Horse and FriendMixed media on canvas | 12” x 12” | SOLD
JewelsMixed media on canvas | 12” x 12” | SOLD
Three Leaves
Three Leavesmixed media on canvas | 12” x 12” | SOLD
Bird Vase
Bird VaseAcrylic, paper and oil pastel on canvas | SOLD
Red Bud
Red BudAcrylic, paper and pastel | SOLD
Pink Flowers
Pink Flowers mixed media on canvas | 10” x 20” | SOLD
Six vases and Birds
Six vases and BirdsAcrylic, paper and oil pastel | 36” x 36” on gallery wrapped canvas (1.5 “ deep) | SOLD.
Family at the Beach
Family at the Beachmixed media on canvas 30” x 40”
Red Handle Vase
Red Handle VaseAcrylic on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Streets of Gold
Streets of Goldacrylic on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Bird Song
Bird SongMixed media on canvas | SOLD
Grace Today
Grace TodayMixed media on canvas | 24” x 36”
Stand Firm
Stand FirmAcrylic and oil pastel on canvas
Costal Village
Costal Villagemixed media on canvas | 24” x 24” | SOLD
Redeeming Love
Redeeming Lovemixed media on canvas | 40” x 30” | SOLD
Late Afternoon Meeting
Late Afternoon MeetingMixed media on canvas, acrylic paper and oil pastel | 30” x 24” | SOLD
Narrow Gate
Narrow GateAcrylic on canvas | 22” x 28” | SOLD
Yellow Field
Yellow FieldMixed media on canvas | 36” x 36”
Lucielea Bay
Lucielea BayMixed media on canvas | 36” x 24” | SOLD
Afternoon Travelers
Afternoon TravelersMixed media on canvas | 30” x 24”
Villa De Franklin
Villa De FranklinMixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Blue Tree
Blue TreeMixed media on canvas
5 Clouds
5 CloudsMixed media on canvas | 30” x 30” | SOLD
RefectionMixed media on canvas | 30” x 24” | SOLD
back country.jpg
Blue Skies
Blue SkiesMixed media on canvas |36” x 36” | SOLD
Stay Grateful
Stay Grateful12” x 12” Framed fine art giclee print. (available at www.etsy/shop/nathanielmatherart)
Three Things
Three Things Mixed media on canvas | 24’ x 24” | SOLD
Conversation About Love
Conversation About LoveMixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
The Race
The RaceMixed media on canvas | 40” x 30” | SOLD
CommunityMixed media on canvas | 48” x 36” | SOLD
Freedommixed media on canvas | 24” x 24” | SOLD
Saved a Bird Today
Saved a Bird TodayMixed media on canvas | 30” x 24” | SOLD
My Back Yard
My Back YardMixed media on canvas | 48” x 36” | SOLD
Bullmixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Big Horse
Big HorseMixed media on canvas | 48” x 48”
Flowers on table
Flowers on tableAcrylic on canvas | 20” x 16” | SOLD
FriendsMixed media on canvas | 30” x 15” | SOLD
Sisters Mixed media on canvas | 24” x 30” | SOLD
Couple of Elephants
Couple of Elephants Mixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Talk of the Town
Talk of the Town Mixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Rooster Mixed media on canvas | 24” x 30” | SOLD
OfferingMixed media on canvas | 48” x 36”
House and Tables
House and Tables Mixed media on canvas | 36” x 36” | SOLD
Spring in the Room   SOLD
Spring in the Room SOLDMixed media on canvas | 36” x 24” | SOLD
New Growth
New GrowthMixed media on canvas | 36” x 24” | SOLD
Buddy Mixed media on canvas | 24” x 24” | SOLD
One Flight Away
One Flight AwayMixed media on canvas | 60” x 48”
Picnic Time
Picnic Time Acrylic on canvas | 36” x 48” | SOLD
The Perch
The PerchMixed media on paper | 32” x 26”
Large bird on Swing
Large bird on Swing Mixed media on canvas | 60” x 48” | SOLD
Red Horse in Montana
Red Horse in MontanaMixed media on canvas | 24” x 30” | SOLD
Rider Mixed media on canvas | 36” x 24” | SOLD
Picnic Mixed media on board | 63” x 38” | SOLD
Tea Pot
Tea Pot Acrylic on canvas | 40” x 30” | SOLD
Pink Flower
Pink Flower Mixed media on canvas | 24” x 24” | SOLD
Spring Tree
Spring Tree Mixed media on canvas | 36” x 24” | SOLD
Blue Cove Village
Blue Cove Villagemixed media on canvas | 30” x 40” | SOLD
LionMixed media on board | 40” x 40” | SOLD
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts of the Spirit SOLD
Elephant and Bird
Elephant and BirdMixed media on canvas | 36” x 36”
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